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913 lines
* Sun clock. X11 version by John Mackin.
* This program was derived from, and is still in part identical with, the
* Suntools Sun clock program whose author's comment appears immediately
* below. Please preserve both notices.
* The X11R3/4 version of this program was written by John Mackin, at the
* Basser Department of Computer Science, University of Sydney, Sydney,
* New South Wales, Australia; <john@cs.su.oz.AU>. This program, like
* the one it was derived from, is in the public domain: `Love is the
* law, love under will.'
Sun clock
Designed and implemented by John Walker in November of 1988.
Version for the Sun Workstation.
The algorithm used to calculate the position of the Sun is given in
Chapter 18 of:
"Astronomical Formulae for Calculators" by Jean Meeus, Third Edition,
Richmond: Willmann-Bell, 1985. This book can be obtained from:
P.O. Box 35025
Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: (804) 320-7016
This program was written by:
John Walker
Autodesk, Inc.
2320 Marinship Way
Sausalito, CA 94965
Fax: (415) 389-9418
Voice: (415) 332-2344 Ext. 2829
Usenet: {sun,well,uunet}!acad!kelvin
or: kelvin@acad.uu.net
This program is in the public domain: "Do what thou wilt shall be the
whole of the law". I'd appreciate receiving any bug fixes and/or
enhancements, which I'll incorporate in future versions of the
program. Please leave the original attribution information intact so
that credit and blame may be properly apportioned.
Revision history:
1.0 12/21/89 Initial version.
8/24/89 Finally got around to submitting.
#define FAILFONT "fixed"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#include "sunclock.h"
struct sunclock {
int s_width; /* size of pixmap */
int s_height;
Window s_window; /* associated window */
Pixmap s_pixmap; /* and pixmap */
int s_flags; /* see below */
int s_noon; /* position of noon */
short * s_wtab1; /* current width table (?) */
short * s_wtab; /* previous width table (?) */
long s_increm; /* increment for fake time */
long s_time; /* time - real or fake, see flags */
GC s_gc; /* GC for writing text into window */
char * (*s_tfunc)(); /* function to return the text */
char s_text[80]; /* and the current text that's there */
int s_textx; /* where to draw the text */
int s_texty; /* where to draw the text */
long s_projtime; /* last time we projected illumination */
int s_timeout; /* time until next image update */
struct sunclock * s_next; /* pointer to next clock context */
* bits in s_flags
#define S_FAKE 01 /* date is fake, don't use actual time */
#define S_ANIMATE 02 /* do animation based on increment */
#define S_DIRTY 04 /* pixmap -> window copy required */
#define S_ICON 010 /* this is the icon window */
char * strrchr();
long time();
double jtime();
double gmst();
char * salloc();
char * bigtprint();
char * smalltprint();
struct sunclock * makeClockContext();
Bool evpred();
char * Wdayname[] = {
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
char * Monname[] = {
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
"Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
struct geom {
int mask;
int x;
int y;
char * Name;
char * Display_name = "";
Display * dpy;
int scr;
unsigned long Black;
unsigned long White;
GC GC_store;
GC GC_invert;
GC GC_bigf;
GC GC_smallf;
XFontStruct * SmallFont;
XFontStruct * BigFont;
Pixmap Mappix;
Pixmap Iconpix;
Window Icon;
Window Clock;
struct sunclock * Current;
int Iconic = 0;
struct geom Geom = { 0, 0, 0 };
struct geom Icongeom = { 0, 0, 0 };
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
register char ** argv;
char * p;
Name = *argv;
if (p = strrchr(Name, '/'))
Name = ++p;
parseArgs(argc, argv);
dpy = XOpenDisplay(Display_name);
if (dpy == (Display *)NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open display `%s'\n", Display_name);
scr = DefaultScreen(dpy);
makeGCs(Clock, Mappix);
setAllHints(argc, argv);
XSelectInput(dpy, Clock, ExposureMask);
XSelectInput(dpy, Icon, ExposureMask);
XMapWindow(dpy, Clock);
* eventLoop() never returns, but one day it might, if someone adds a
* menu for animation or such with a "quit" option.
parseArgs(argc, argv)
register int argc;
register char ** argv;
while (--argc > 0) {
if (strcmp(*argv, "-display") == 0) {
needMore(argc, argv);
Display_name = *++argv;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-iconic") == 0)
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-geometry") == 0) {
needMore(argc, argv);
getGeom(*++argv, &Geom);
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-icongeometry") == 0) {
needMore(argc, argv);
getGeom(*++argv, &Icongeom);
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-version") == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: version %s patchlevel %d\n",
needMore(argc, argv)
register int argc;
register char ** argv;
if (argc == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n",
Name, *argv);
getGeom(s, g)
register char * s;
register struct geom * g;
register int mask;
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
mask = XParseGeometry(s, &g->x, &g->y, &width, &height);
if (mask == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: `%s' is a bad geometry specification\n",
Name, s);
if ((mask & WidthValue) || (mask & HeightValue))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: width/height in geometry `%s' ignored\n",
Name, s);
g->mask = mask;
* Free resources.
XFreeGC(dpy, GC_store);
XFreeGC(dpy, GC_invert);
XFreeGC(dpy, GC_bigf);
XFreeGC(dpy, GC_smallf);
XFreeFont(dpy, BigFont);
XFreeFont(dpy, SmallFont);
XFreePixmap(dpy, Mappix);
XFreePixmap(dpy, Iconpix);
XDestroyWindow(dpy, Clock);
XDestroyWindow(dpy, Icon);
"usage: %s [-display dispname] [-geometry +x+y] [-icongeometry +x+y] [-iconic] [-version]\n",
* Set up stuff the window manager will want to know. Must be done
* before mapping window, but after creating it.
setAllHints(argc, argv)
int argc;
char ** argv;
XClassHint xch;
XSizeHints xsh;
XWMHints xwmh;
xch.res_name = Name;
xch.res_class = "Sunclock";
XSetClassHint(dpy, Clock, &xch);
XStoreName(dpy, Clock, Name);
XSetCommand(dpy, Clock, argv, argc);
XSetIconName(dpy, Clock, Name);
xsh.flags = PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize;
if (Geom.mask & (XValue | YValue)) {
xsh.x = Geom.x;
xsh.y = Geom.y;
xsh.flags |= USPosition;
xsh.width = xsh.min_width = xsh.max_width = large_map_width;
xsh.height = xsh.min_height = xsh.max_height = large_map_height;
XSetNormalHints(dpy, Clock, &xsh);
xwmh.flags = InputHint | StateHint | IconWindowHint;
if (Icongeom.mask & (XValue | YValue)) {
xwmh.icon_x = Icongeom.x;
xwmh.icon_y = Icongeom.y;
xwmh.flags |= IconPositionHint;
xwmh.input = False;
xwmh.initial_state = Iconic ? IconicState : NormalState;
xwmh.icon_window = Icon;
XSetWMHints(dpy, Clock, &xwmh);
register int ht;
XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
register int mask;
ht = icon_map_height + SmallFont->max_bounds.ascent +
SmallFont->max_bounds.descent + 2;
xswa.background_pixel = White;
xswa.border_pixel = Black;
xswa.backing_store = WhenMapped;
mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWBackingStore;
fixGeometry(&Geom, large_map_width, large_map_height);
Clock = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, scr), Geom.x, Geom.y,
large_map_width, large_map_height, 3, CopyFromParent,
InputOutput, CopyFromParent, mask, &xswa);
fixGeometry(&Icongeom, icon_map_width, ht);
Icon = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, scr), Icongeom.x, Icongeom.y,
icon_map_width, ht, 1, CopyFromParent, InputOutput,
CopyFromParent, mask, &xswa);
fixGeometry(g, w, h)
register struct geom * g;
register int w;
register int h;
if (g->mask & XNegative)
g->x = DisplayWidth(dpy, scr) - w + g->x;
if (g->mask & YNegative)
g->y = DisplayHeight(dpy, scr) - h + g->y;
makeGCs(w, p)
register Window w;
register Pixmap p;
XGCValues gcv;
gcv.foreground = Black;
gcv.background = White;
GC_store = XCreateGC(dpy, w, GCForeground | GCBackground, &gcv);
gcv.function = GXinvert;
GC_invert = XCreateGC(dpy, p, GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFunction, &gcv);
gcv.font = BigFont->fid;
GC_bigf = XCreateGC(dpy, w, GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont, &gcv);
gcv.font = SmallFont->fid;
GC_smallf = XCreateGC(dpy, w, GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont, &gcv);
XColor c;
XColor e;
register Status s;
s = XAllocNamedColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, scr), "Black", &c, &e);
if (s != (Status)1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: can't allocate color `Black'\n");
Black = BlackPixel(dpy, scr);
Black = c.pixel;
s = XAllocNamedColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, scr), "White", &c, &e);
if (s != (Status)1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't allocate color `White'\n");
White = WhitePixel(dpy, scr);
White = c.pixel;
BigFont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, BIGFONT);
if (BigFont == (XFontStruct *)NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open font `%s', using `%s'\n",
BigFont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, FAILFONT);
if (BigFont == (XFontStruct *)NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open font `%s', giving up\n",
SmallFont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, SMALLFONT);
if (SmallFont == (XFontStruct *)NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open font `%s', using `%s'\n",
SmallFont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, FAILFONT);
if (SmallFont == (XFontStruct *)NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open font `%s', giving up\n",
Mappix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, scr),
large_map_bits, large_map_width,
large_map_height, 0, 1, 1);
Iconpix = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, scr),
icon_map_bits, icon_map_width,
icon_map_height, 0, 1, 1);
register struct sunclock * s;
s = makeClockContext(large_map_width, large_map_height, Clock, Mappix,
GC_bigf, bigtprint, 70,
large_map_height - BigFont->max_bounds.descent - 1);
Current = s;
s = makeClockContext(icon_map_width, icon_map_height, Icon, Iconpix,
GC_smallf, smalltprint, 6,
icon_map_height + SmallFont->max_bounds.ascent + 1);
Current->s_next = s;
s->s_flags |= S_ICON;
s->s_next = Current;
struct sunclock *
makeClockContext(wid, ht, win, pix, gc, fun, txx, txy)
int wid;
int ht;
Window win;
Pixmap pix;
GC gc;
char * (*fun)();
int txx;
int txy;
register struct sunclock * s;
s = (struct sunclock *)salloc(sizeof (struct sunclock));
s->s_width = wid;
s->s_height = ht;
s->s_window = win;
s->s_pixmap = pix;
s->s_flags = S_DIRTY;
s->s_noon = -1;
s->s_wtab = (short *)salloc((int)(ht * sizeof (short *)));
s->s_wtab1 = (short *)salloc((int)(ht * sizeof (short *)));
s->s_increm = 0L;
s->s_time = 0L;
s->s_gc = gc;
s->s_tfunc = fun;
s->s_timeout = 0;
s->s_projtime = -1L;
s->s_text[0] = '\0';
s->s_textx = txx;
s->s_texty = txy;
return (s);
* Someone is sure to wonder why the event loop is coded this way, without
* using select(). The answer is that this was developed on a System V
* kernel, which has select() but the call has bugs; so, I was inspired
* to make it portable to systems without select(). The slight delay in
* expose event processing that results from using sleep(1) rather than
* alarm() is a fine payoff for not having to worry about interrupted
* system calls.
* I've got to use XCheckIfEvent with a degenerate predicate rather than
* XCheckMaskEvent with a mask of -1L because the latter won't collect all
* types of events, notably ClientMessage and Selection events. Sigh.
XEvent ev;
for (;;) {
if (XCheckIfEvent(dpy, &ev, evpred, (char *)0))
switch (ev.type) {
case Expose:
if (ev.xexpose.count == 0)
else {
evpred(d, e, a)
register Display * d;
register XEvent * e;
register char * a;
return (True);
* Got an expose event for window w. Do the right thing if it's not
* currently the one we're displaying.
register Window w;
if (w != Current->s_window) {
Current = Current->s_next;
if (w != Current->s_window) {
"%s: expose event for unknown window, id = 0x%08lx\n",
Current->s_flags |= S_DIRTY;
if (QLength(dpy))
return; /* ensure events processed first */
if (--Current->s_timeout <= 0) {
register struct sunclock * s;
long t;
if (s->s_flags & S_ICON) {
s->s_timeout = 60 - localtime(&t)->tm_sec;
s->s_timeout = 1;
register struct sunclock * s;
register char * p;
struct tm lt;
register struct tm * gmtp;
lt = *localtime(&s->s_time);
gmtp = gmtime(&s->s_time);
p = (*s->s_tfunc)(<, gmtp);
if (s->s_flags & S_DIRTY) {
XCopyPlane(dpy, s->s_pixmap, s->s_window, GC_store, 0, 0,
s->s_width, s->s_height, 0, 0, 1);
if (s->s_flags & S_ICON)
XClearArea(dpy, s->s_window, 0, s->s_height + 1,
0, 0, False);
s->s_flags &= ~S_DIRTY;
strcpy(s->s_text, p);
register struct sunclock * s;
XDrawImageString(dpy, s->s_window, s->s_gc, s->s_textx,
s->s_texty, s->s_text, strlen(s->s_text));
/* --- */
/* UPDIMAGE -- Update current displayed image. */
register struct sunclock * s;
register int i;
int xl;
struct tm * ct;
double jt;
double sunra;
double sundec;
double sunrv;
double sunlong;
double gt;
struct tm lt;
short * wtab_swap;
/* If this is a full repaint of the window, force complete
recalculation. */
if (s->s_noon < 0) {
s->s_projtime = 0;
for (i = 0; i < s->s_height; i++) {
s->s_wtab1[i] = -1;
if (s->s_flags & S_FAKE) {
if (s->s_flags & S_ANIMATE)
s->s_time += s->s_increm;
if (s->s_time < 0)
s->s_time = 0;
} else
lt = *localtime(&s->s_time);
ct = gmtime(&s->s_time);
jt = jtime(ct);
sunpos(jt, False, &sunra, &sundec, &sunrv, &sunlong);
gt = gmst(jt);
/* Projecting the illumination curve for the current seasonal
instant is costly. If we're running in real time, only do
it every PROJINT seconds. */
if ((s->s_flags & S_FAKE)
|| s->s_projtime < 0
|| (s->s_time - s->s_projtime) > PROJINT) {
projillum(s->s_wtab, s->s_width, s->s_height, sundec);
wtab_swap = s->s_wtab;
s->s_wtab = s->s_wtab1;
s->s_wtab1 = wtab_swap;
s->s_projtime = s->s_time;
sunlong = fixangle(180.0 + (sunra - (gt * 15)));
xl = sunlong * (s->s_width / 360.0);
/* If the subsolar point has moved at least one pixel, update
the illuminated area on the screen. */
if ((s->s_flags & S_FAKE) || s->s_noon != xl) {
moveterm(s->s_wtab1, xl, s->s_wtab, s->s_noon, s->s_width,
s->s_height, s->s_pixmap);
s->s_noon = xl;
s->s_flags |= S_DIRTY;
/* PROJILLUM -- Project illuminated area on the map. */
projillum(wtab, xdots, ydots, dec)
short *wtab;
int xdots, ydots;
double dec;
int i, ftf = True, ilon, ilat, lilon, lilat, xt;
double m, x, y, z, th, lon, lat, s, c;
/* Clear unoccupied cells in width table */
for (i = 0; i < ydots; i++)
wtab[i] = -1;
/* Build transformation for declination */
s = sin(-dtr(dec));
c = cos(-dtr(dec));
/* Increment over a semicircle of illumination */
for (th = -(PI / 2); th <= PI / 2 + 0.001;
th += PI / TERMINC) {
/* Transform the point through the declination rotation. */
x = -s * sin(th);
y = cos(th);
z = c * sin(th);
/* Transform the resulting co-ordinate through the
map projection to obtain screen co-ordinates. */
lon = (y == 0 && x == 0) ? 0.0 : rtd(atan2(y, x));
lat = rtd(asin(z));
ilat = ydots - (lat + 90) * (ydots / 180.0);
ilon = lon * (xdots / 360.0);
if (ftf) {
/* First time. Just save start co-ordinate. */
lilon = ilon;
lilat = ilat;
ftf = False;
} else {
/* Trace out the line and set the width table. */
if (lilat == ilat) {
wtab[(ydots - 1) - ilat] = ilon == 0 ? 1 : ilon;
} else {
m = ((double) (ilon - lilon)) / (ilat - lilat);
for (i = lilat; i != ilat; i += sgn(ilat - lilat)) {
xt = lilon + floor((m * (i - lilat)) + 0.5);
wtab[(ydots - 1) - i] = xt == 0 ? 1 : xt;
lilon = ilon;
lilat = ilat;
/* Now tweak the widths to generate full illumination for
the correct pole. */
if (dec < 0.0) {
ilat = ydots - 1;
lilat = -1;
} else {
ilat = 0;
lilat = 1;
for (i = ilat; i != ydots / 2; i += lilat) {
if (wtab[i] != -1) {
while (True) {
wtab[i] = xdots / 2;
if (i == ilat)
i -= lilat;
/* XSPAN -- Complement a span of pixels. Called with line in which
pixels are contained, leftmost pixel in the line, and
the number of pixels to complement. Handles
wrap-around at the right edge of the screen. */
xspan(pline, leftp, npix, xdots, p)
register int pline;
register int leftp;
register int npix;
register int xdots;
register Pixmap p;
leftp = leftp % xdots;
if (leftp + npix > xdots) {
XDrawLine(dpy, p, GC_invert, leftp, pline, xdots - 1, pline);
XDrawLine(dpy, p, GC_invert, 0, pline,
(leftp + npix) - (xdots + 1), pline);
XDrawLine(dpy, p, GC_invert, leftp, pline,
leftp + (npix - 1), pline);
/* MOVETERM -- Update illuminated portion of the globe. */
moveterm(wtab, noon, otab, onoon, xdots, ydots, pixmap)
short *wtab, *otab;
int noon, onoon, xdots, ydots;
Pixmap pixmap;
int i, ol, oh, nl, nh;
for (i = 0; i < ydots; i++) {
/* If line is off in new width table but is set in
the old table, clear it. */
if (wtab[i] < 0) {
if (otab[i] >= 0) {
xspan(i, ((onoon - otab[i]) + xdots) % xdots,
otab[i] * 2, xdots, pixmap);
} else {
/* Line is on in new width table. If it was off in
the old width table, just draw it. */
if (otab[i] < 0) {
xspan(i, ((noon - wtab[i]) + xdots) % xdots,
wtab[i] * 2, xdots, pixmap);
} else {
/* If both the old and new spans were the entire
screen, they're equivalent. */
if (otab[i] == wtab[i] && wtab[i] == (xdots / 2))
/* The line was on in both the old and new width
tables. We must adjust the difference in the
span. */
ol = ((onoon - otab[i]) + xdots) % xdots;
oh = (ol + otab[i] * 2) - 1;
nl = ((noon - wtab[i]) + xdots) % xdots;
nh = (nl + wtab[i] * 2) - 1;
/* If spans are disjoint, erase old span and set
new span. */
if (oh < nl || nh < ol) {
xspan(i, ol, (oh - ol) + 1, xdots, pixmap);
xspan(i, nl, (nh - nl) + 1, xdots, pixmap);
} else {
/* Clear portion(s) of old span that extend
beyond end of new span. */
if (ol < nl) {
xspan(i, ol, nl - ol, xdots, pixmap);
ol = nl;
if (oh > nh) {
xspan(i, nh + 1, oh - nh, xdots, pixmap);
oh = nh;
/* Extend existing (possibly trimmed) span to
correct new length. */
if (nl < ol) {
xspan(i, nl, ol - nl, xdots, pixmap);
if (nh > oh) {
xspan(i, oh + 1, nh - oh, xdots, pixmap);
otab[i] = wtab[i];
char *
register int nbytes;
register char * p;
p = malloc((unsigned)nbytes);
if (p == (char *)NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n");
return (p);
char *
bigtprint(ltp, gmtp)
register struct tm * ltp;
register struct tm * gmtp;
static char s[80];
"%02d:%02d:%02d %s %s %02d %s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC %s %02d %s %02d",
ltp->tm_hour, ltp->tm_min,
#ifdef NEW_CTIME
Wdayname[ltp->tm_wday], ltp->tm_mday,
Monname[ltp->tm_mon], ltp->tm_year % 100,
gmtp->tm_hour, gmtp->tm_min,
gmtp->tm_sec, Wdayname[gmtp->tm_wday], gmtp->tm_mday,
Monname[gmtp->tm_mon], gmtp->tm_year % 100);
return (s);
char *
smalltprint(ltp, gmtp)
register struct tm * ltp;
register struct tm * gmtp;
static char s[80];
sprintf(s, "%02d:%02d %s %02d %s %02d", ltp->tm_hour, ltp->tm_min,
Wdayname[ltp->tm_wday], ltp->tm_mday, Monname[ltp->tm_mon],
ltp->tm_year % 100);
return (s);